Sunday, January 2, 2011

reflection on 2010

*disclaimer* by reading this post you will learn a lot about me, if you're interested, please keep reading.

Tonight I sit at the counter in my kitchen. There is a pile of unwashed dishes next to the sink, a painting in progress drying on the easel and a cup of warm tea by my side. It is the first time in a while that I have taken to reflect on the past year. It was an intense, challenging, joyful, adjusting, exploring kind of year.

In Georgia, my husband was a slave to his dissertation writing. I'm thankful for his work ethic. Although throughout his time as a grad student at UGA there were many tense and stressful moments, he set his mind to getting in and out as quickly as possible. He succeded in this endeaver graduating in May 2010 after only 5 years in the program including a year of fieldwork and one of dissertation writing. His PhD in environmental Anthropolgy landed him a job and us a chance to find some financial stability as well as a real opportunity to look ahead to future goals.

Of course the said job required that we move away from the Eastern US and into north Texas. I was up for the new adventure, with reservations. We moved in early summer and quickly took an amazing cross country road trip (see pics and itinerary on this blog in posts from July and Aug). We had a blast taking time to reinvigorate our small family and deepen the ties the three of us have to each other.

Upon arrival back in Texas, a heatwave took us by storm producing tons of sweat, causing the old AC unit to poop out in the rental leading to 2 nights in a hotel, and inducing thoughts resembling, "What the hell are we doing here?"

Eventually the stifling heat moved on and the temperatures became enjoyable as we moved into fall. Although to be honest, after so many years in western North Carolina and northeast Georgia, I was sorely missing the falls I have grown to love. Texas did its best to entice me with moderate temperatures, amazing sunsets, tall waving grasses and eventually there were some colorful leaves blowing around in the wind. I started feel as though I could live here and feel happy and even be able to focus my energies on all of the positive things about here.

As fall turned into early winter, I took to beading up a storm, participating in the local Etsy group, going to some craft shows, becoming invloved with a group of similar minded homeschoolers and immersing myself (and my son) into being here. We were having a good time.

In a turn of events my son was given the opportunity to audition for a role in a movie being made in Dallas. He was great and they cast him and since then, which was around Thanksgiving, we have been fully immersed in the making of the film. I have been experiencing many mixed emotions about the process.

I think it is a great homeschool lesson to be on a set and be involved in actually making a film. He is having a great time with the other actors and is getting an amazing first hand look behind the scenes as it were. For me, I have been struggling with the commute and the time away from home. Although I am a social person, I enjoy being at home and I really value our family time. It has definitely been harder on me than him. I am appreciative that he has been given the opportunity to work on this film. A film that is deeply personal to the director and producer and their other family members who have been involved in its production. I know it will be really great but I can't say for sure how I feel about encouraging him to continue on this path.

Anyway, I'm looking for to this new year. I have begun painting again and incorporating my beadwork into my paintings. I feel creative light blossoming within and I am bursting to let it out. I'm looking forward to a possible visit from good dear freinds and a visit to the South Toe Valley in summer. I'm excited to ride my new bike, hike on new trails, learn new birds and plants and to become more familiar with this new landscape. I'm going to keep on cooking up a storm, trying new recipes, and keep my fermentation crock full.

So, to you out there whoever you may be, warmest Texas wishes for the year ahead. May your creative light shine, may your family be warm and healthy and may heart beat steadily.


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